The sports facilities available to the Lapua secondary school are very wide-ranging when looked at generally, the school has its own sports hall inside the school where most of the PE-classes are held but the school also has other options when it comes to school sports facilities. Like the Lapua swimming bath, ´´Rainbow´´ and the basketball court-like hall in the same building as the swimming bath., that is considerably larger and versatile than the schools own sports hall. The Lapua Patruuna ´´arena´´ is also in the active use of the Lapua secondary school., it is a an indoors sports hall that provides room for sports like baseball, football and track and field. Lapua also has its very own Track and Field arena and a baseball court, which offer great chances for outdoor sports to be had. Theres also an ice rink, which add the possibility of ice sports into the already large addition of school sports possibly had in this school.
torstai 29. toukokuuta 2014
Koulun käyttämät liikuntatilat
Lapuan yläkoulun käytettävissä olevat liikuntatilat ovat todella monipuoliset yleisellä tasolla katsottuna. Koulussa on oma liikuntasali, jossa pidetään suuri osa liikuntatunneista. Koululla on myös vaihtoehtoisia koululiikuntatiloja. Esimerkiksi Lapuan uimahalli Sateenkaari ja sen sisäiset liikuntasalitilat, jotka ovat yläkoulun omiin tiloihin verrattuna huomattavasti tilavammat ja monipuolisemmat. Palloiluhallissa jumpataan, tanssitaan ja pelataan eri palloilulajeja. Lisäksi urheilutalolla voi harrastaa painia ja tehdä punttisaliharjoituksia niille varatuissa tiloissa. Myös Lapuan Patruuna-areena on yläkoulun aktiivisessa käytössä. Se on sisähalli, jossa pelataan pesäpalloa, jalkapalloa ja yleisurheillaan. Lapuan Kiviristin jalkapallokenttä ja Lukkarilan pesäpallostadion tarjoavat todella hyviä ulkoliikuntamahdollisuuksia. Lapualla on myös oma jäähalli, jossa perusluistellaan sekä pelataan jääkiekkoa ja kaukalopalloa.
The sports facilities available to the Lapua secondary school are very wide-ranging when looked at generally, the school has its own sports hall inside the school where most of the PE-classes are held but the school also has other options when it comes to school sports facilities. Like the Lapua swimming bath, ´´Rainbow´´ and the basketball court-like hall in the same building as the swimming bath., that is considerably larger and versatile than the schools own sports hall. The Lapua Patruuna ´´arena´´ is also in the active use of the Lapua secondary school., it is a an indoors sports hall that provides room for sports like baseball, football and track and field. Lapua also has its very own Track and Field arena and a baseball court, which offer great chances for outdoor sports to be had. Theres also an ice rink, which add the possibility of ice sports into the already large addition of school sports possibly had in this school.
The sports facilities available to the Lapua secondary school are very wide-ranging when looked at generally, the school has its own sports hall inside the school where most of the PE-classes are held but the school also has other options when it comes to school sports facilities. Like the Lapua swimming bath, ´´Rainbow´´ and the basketball court-like hall in the same building as the swimming bath., that is considerably larger and versatile than the schools own sports hall. The Lapua Patruuna ´´arena´´ is also in the active use of the Lapua secondary school., it is a an indoors sports hall that provides room for sports like baseball, football and track and field. Lapua also has its very own Track and Field arena and a baseball court, which offer great chances for outdoor sports to be had. Theres also an ice rink, which add the possibility of ice sports into the already large addition of school sports possibly had in this school.
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