Recently in the Finnish media ´´moped cars´´ and the harm that is caused by them was brought up, so now were taking a look at the risks that comes with the use of these vehicles, but first lets recap for those who are unaware what exactly is a ´´moped car´´ :Moped Car or ´´a light four-wheeled´´ is a small, two seated vehicle that belongs to the L-class of vehicles. They were originally created for elderly people who for one reason or another were not granted a license to drive a car, but are being used mostly by 15 year old or older youngsters. A moped car´s motor is allowed to be only 400-550 Cubic metres in size and is allowed to go 45Km/h (little under 28mph) max. according to the Finnish legislation. Moped cars are being used as regular cars in many countries such as Japan and France
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Ixo mopoauto Ligieriltä. Ixo moped car made by Ligier. |
Ensimmäinen varsinainen riski joka liittyy mopoautoiluun, on kuljettajan turvallisuus. Mopoautossa on turvavyö, joka on pakko olla kytkettynä aina ajettaessa. Tämä harvoin pelastaa esim. nokkakolarissa, koska mopoauton kori on todella heikkoa materiaalia. Se on yleensä muovia tai lasikuitua minimoidakseen sen painon, jotta moottori jaksaisi kuljettaa sitä eteenpäin. Alumiininen runko myös uudelleenmuotoontuu todella helposti kovemmissa yhteenrysähdyksissä. Toinen turvallisuuskysymys syntyy airbagin puuttesta, joka voisi estää mahdolliset päävammat kolareissa silloinkin, kun turvavyö on jostain syystä kytkemättä.
The first actual risk that has to do with operating a moped car is the security of the driver. Moped cars do have a seat belt that has to be on at all times when the vehicle is being driven, but this hardly saves you in a head on head crash because the moped cars body is made out of very fragile materials, usually out of plastic or fiberglass to minimize the cars weight so the motor can move it forward, the aluminium frame also gets reshaped very easily in a bigger incident. Another question of safety comes with the fact that moped cars do not come with airbags, that could prevent the possible head trauma in a car crash, even when the seat belt is not on for some reason.
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Kolaroinnin tulokset. The results of crashing. |
Toinen iso mopoautoiluun liityvä riski on rattiraivon uhriksi joutuminen. Jotkut autoilijat ärsyyntyvät mopoautoista, koska ne ovat niin hitaita, suurikokoisia ja vaikeasti ohitettavia. Suurimmat kuumakallet sortuvat usein suorastaan kiusaamaan mopoautoa kohdatessaan sen liikenteessä. Useimmiten mopoauto ohitetaan ja sitten hiljennetään 10km/h vauhtiin ja kun mopoauto taas yrittää ohittaa kyseisen autoilijan, autoilija taas kiihdyttää ja jatkaa piinaustaan. Tälläinen käyttäytyminen on harmillisen yleistä, mutta vielä harmillisempaa on ilkivalta liikenteen ulkopuolella: katolleen kääntämistä, lasien rikkomista, avaimilla jälkien viiltelyä, korinosien hajalle potkimista, renkaiden viiltämistä ja jopa palamaan sytyttämistä! Kaikki tämä sen takia, että ihmiset ovat kärsimättömiä ja suvaitsemattomia. Todella harmillista. Se saa teini-ikäisen kuskin miettimään, että mitä pahaa hän on mennyt tekemään ansaitakseen tällaista kohtelua.
Another big risk of operating a moped car is being subjected to a victim of road rage. Some people who drive cars are annoyed at moped cars because of their slowness and relatively large size, making them hard to pass. The biggest hotheads usually resort to downright torment a moped car when facing one in traffic, most usually they pass the moped car, and then slow down to 10Km/h (roughly 6mph) in front of the moped car, and when the moped car tries to pass the menacing car, the car accelerates again and continues to torment the moped car. This type of behavior is unfortunately common, but even more unfortunate is vandalism: turning the moped car on its roof, breaking the glass, slicing the body with keys, kicking the plastic body parts so that they break, slashing the tires and outright setting the the moped car on fire!
All of this because people are impatient and intolerant, very unfortunate and makes the teen-aged driver think that what have they done to deserve this type of treatment.
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Mopoautoihin kohdistuva ilkivalta on lisääntynyt viime vuosina. Acts of vandalism against moped cars have gotten more common in recent years |
All in all there are alot of risks when it comes to moped cars, but it also brings alot of positive things to a youngsters life. But if we really stop to think about these problems, none of these would actually be a problem if people would obey laws and regulations. Well, humans aren´t perfect.
-Topias 9G
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