Moikka taas !
Valtakunnallisten matematiikkakilpailujen pääjärjestäjänä toimii matematiikan opettajienliitto eli MAOL ( Matemaattisten Aineiden Opettajien Liitto) ja kilpailut pitää kuntien yläkoulut.Suomesta 10 parhaiten kilpailussa menestynyttä kutsutaan loppukilpailuihin,mutta tulokset tulevat vasta myöhemmin palkintojenjaon jälkeen.Loppukilpailu järjestetään Helsingissä. Jos sielläkin laskee menestyksekkäästi, pääsee kansainväliseen kilpailuun. Kilpailut toimivat jo perinteenä, kovana kannustajana on toiminut Paavo Ruotsalainen.Viimeisen parinkymmenen vuoden aikana Lapualta on yksi päässyt loppukilpailuihin ja menestynyt siellä myös aika hyvin.
Viime viikon Torstaina,28.11 koulustamme siis kolme oppilasta palkittiin matikkakilpailussa menestymisestä.
Palkinnot jaettiin Lapuan osuuspankissa ja mukana oli myös kaksi opettajaa ja pankista kaksi työntekijää.
Aluksi he kertoivat matikkakilpailujen historiaa,sitten jaettiin palkinnot ja lopuksi syötiin tarjolla olevia leivoksia.
Hello again!
In the Nationwide mathcompetition, Mathematics Teachers Association works as a lead organizer and
the contests are organized by the municipality lower secondary schools.
From Finland, 10 who succeeded the best in the competition are invited to the finals, but the results will come out later, after the award ceremony. The Finals are arranged in Helsinki. If you count good there, you get to the international competition. Competitions are already a tradition, as a fierce sponsor has been Paavo Ruotsalainen. In the past two decades has one of the students from Lapua got into finals and also succeeded well there. Last Thursday 28.11 ,three students from our school were awarded for succeeding in math competition. The awards were given in Lapuas' bank and there were two teachers and the banks' workers too. At first they told about the history of math competitions, then the prizes were given, and then we ate the cakes that were served there.
Hello again!
In the Nationwide mathcompetition, Mathematics Teachers Association works as a lead organizer and
the contests are organized by the municipality lower secondary schools.
From Finland, 10 who succeeded the best in the competition are invited to the finals, but the results will come out later, after the award ceremony. The Finals are arranged in Helsinki. If you count good there, you get to the international competition. Competitions are already a tradition, as a fierce sponsor has been Paavo Ruotsalainen. In the past two decades has one of the students from Lapua got into finals and also succeeded well there. Last Thursday 28.11 ,three students from our school were awarded for succeeding in math competition. The awards were given in Lapuas' bank and there were two teachers and the banks' workers too. At first they told about the history of math competitions, then the prizes were given, and then we ate the cakes that were served there.
Johanna ja Emma 9H
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