Nuorisotila on auki maanantaista torstaihin 14-20 ja perjantaisin 14-23. Paikalla on nuorten lisäksi neljä aikuista. Maanantaisin ja perjantaisin tiloihin pääsevät myös täysi-ikäiset.
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Drawn by Maikku |
Lapua`s youth center is located in the center of Lapua. It is a two-storey red wooden house. Inside there are different kind of spaces. Downstairs is a hall, which hosts a variety of events
all around the year. In downstairs you can play billiards, board games, ping-pong, guitar heroe, singstar or use the computers. Everyone needs a card to get in to the youth center and with the card you can get free coffee or tea.
Youth center is open on Monday-Thursday from 2pm to 8pm and on Friday from 2pm to 11pm. Besides the youngsters there are always 4 adults in. On Mondays and Fridays also over 18-year olds can come to the youth center.