Tilaisuudessa mm. pidettiin puheita ja tanssittiin. Sotaveteraani Jaakko Palmu muistutti, kuinka tärkeitä päätöksiä meillä yhdeksäsluokkalaisilla on edessä.
"Ratkaisun tekeminen vaatii teiltä tarmoa ja sisua. Keskustelkaa asiasta vanhempienne ja isovanhempienne kanssa. Lopullinen päätös on kuitenkin teillä." Palmu toivoi myös, ettei meistä kenestäkään tulisi ikinä sotaveteraania.
Myös oppilaskunnan puheenjohtaja Silja Annala piti puheen, jossa hän muistutti kaikkia arvostamaan Suomen itsenäisyyttä.
"Kiitokset veteraaneille siitä, että tiistaina me saamme viettää itsenäisyytemme 94-vuotisjuhlaa. Itsenäisyys on arvokas, mutta myös iloinen asia. Uskaltakaa hymyillä tänään ja tiistaina. Itsenäisyys ja vapaus ovat asioita, joista saa olla iloinen."
Teksti/text: Iitu ja Ande
Kuvat/pictures: Julla ja Emilia
Käännös/translation: Alice
Before 1917, Finland was an autonomic Grand Duchy under the power of Russia. However, when we became independent in December 6th of the mentioned year, the day has become an annual holiday in Finland and is celebrated throughout the country.
In our city, it's a tradition to invite all ninth-graders of our school to a celebration to the city hall to celebrate the independence of Finland. This year we were celebrating not only with the city mayor Paavo Latva-Rasku, his wife, Eeva-Maria, veterans ja the members of the city council, but also with the mayor of our sister city Rakvere, Anders Jaadla and his wife.
The ceremony included e.g. speeches and dancing. Veteran Jaakko Palmu reminded us how important decisions we ninth-graders will have ahead of us.
"I want to thank the veterans for making it possible for us to celebrate the 94th anniversary of our independence. It is a valueable, but also a happy thing. Be sure to smile today and the following Tuesday. Independence and freedom are things to be happy about."
Teksti/text: Iitu ja Ande
Kuvat/pictures: Julla ja Emilia
Käännös/translation: Alice
Before 1917, Finland was an autonomic Grand Duchy under the power of Russia. However, when we became independent in December 6th of the mentioned year, the day has become an annual holiday in Finland and is celebrated throughout the country.
In our city, it's a tradition to invite all ninth-graders of our school to a celebration to the city hall to celebrate the independence of Finland. This year we were celebrating not only with the city mayor Paavo Latva-Rasku, his wife, Eeva-Maria, veterans ja the members of the city council, but also with the mayor of our sister city Rakvere, Anders Jaadla and his wife.
The ceremony included e.g. speeches and dancing. Veteran Jaakko Palmu reminded us how important decisions we ninth-graders will have ahead of us.
"Making the decisions requires energy and guts from you. Discuss these things with your parents and grandparents. However, in the end, it's up to you what you decide." Palmu also wished, that none of us would never again become a veteran of war.
The head of the student body, Silja Annala, also held a speech, in which she reminded all of us to appreciate Finland's independence.